Traxall 770
TRAXALL is CDI's major advance in state-of-the-art pipeline pig location and tracking. Building upon 20 years of tracking know-how and our sophisticated new Digital Signal Processing (DSP) technology, the 770 tracks as many as 7 different transmitter frequenci...
Traxall 620
Not available
With TRAXALL 620 can track each of up to three transmitter frequencies are represented as scrolling rows of LEDs. This intuitive user interface means that the TRAXALL 620 receiver requires very little training and support, lowering the total cost of ownership ...
Qube AGM
Qube confidently and accurately detects passages of pipeline pigs equipped with MFL magnetizers, EM transmitters or simply acoustically with its built-in geophone.
PigAlert is CDI’s innovative cellular-equipped pipeline pig passage notification system. PigAlert works with GlobalTrack, our live-mapping pig tracking service to send detailed text message notifications to users
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